Friday 19 December 2014

Advent reviews 18 (aka: we caught up!):

"Merry Christmas" by Mariah Carey

Emma: ***.5
Charlie: **.5

Emma: Well. I'm surprised at myself about this. It's more R&B soulful playful than annoying 90s pap, which is what I was expecting/remembering. Also, I learned that Mariah Carey is half Afro-Venezualan. So. All in all, some definite fun festive listening here. Surprised, but happy.

Charlie: Containing the expected dangerous levels of melisma (I'd guess she averages five notes per syllable across the album as a whole— I counted seven on the word "bells" in one case) this album has some obvious flaws: she often brings a level of intensity befitting a "one more time!" repeat of a final chorus. That said, those are some impressive pipes— sort of like a flute/soprano sax in terms of agility, with maybe twice the range. So that's interesting. There are some nearing-'classic'-status tracks on here, and I suppose I'd suggest pulling them off for your list. Just monitor your intake and don't exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance of 3-5 tracks for adults, 1-2 for children.

Have it: Some of it.


Ione said...

Having just heard a Stompin Tom Connors Christmas number I guess there are worse things than an overdose of Mariah

erin k h said...

scandalous review of a cherished Christmas gem!! (but shhh, props accurate, yeah.)