Friday 14 December 2012

just a small 11...

Oh, that this too too flaky fish,
would melt, thaw and resolve itself into beef stew.


Rick said...

Even ham-let soup has bacon in it...

Does this quote have something to do with the family's favorite vegetarian?

Emma said...

Whoa! Dad, you are quick today, on the blogs! This one's for someone who isn't such a fish fan and would prefer a land-meat... ahem, hem...

Rick said...

Possibly someone from the Chicago area? Lot's of good corn fed beaf in that region. (And you don't want to eat fish from Lake Michigan.)

Although, using the same logic, it might be someone from Alberta.

Rick said...

Beef, not beaf!

erin k h said...

I hate fish and love beef stew. Yes?!