Monday 20 July 2009

The Washing of the Water is a GREAT song.

Hot off the press:

I've got a gig with Peter Gabriel.


Peter Gabriel! The sledgehammer Gabriel!


Playing in his little string section at WOMAD next weekend.

I've been feeding the rhythm
I've been feeding the rhythm
It's what were doing, doing
All day and night.

I'm not boasting, but, um, yeah, I am*.

*But only because I'm really really really excited. Okay? Okay.


Robin said...



(so jealous) :)

erin k h said...

i really really really hope he plays fever to noise. eff that's a good song. eff he's cool. eeefffffff!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wow, that's incredible! say hi to peter for me.

(really, this is scott)