Saturday 28 December 2013

Advent basics... answers and winners!


Merry after-Christmas everyone! You've waited so, so long, and here, at last it is. The answers to your basics dreams/challenge. First, the points breakdown!

In 3rd place, with one point, we have... CHARLIE!

Tied for 2nd, with two points each, we have... ERIN AND DAD!

And, finally, oh-so-brilliantly, in 1st place, with four whole points, we have... MOM! GRAND WINNER! Whoooooop!

And now, the answers...without ado, they are:

1) "Cleans, no added promises" = laundry detergent and/or dishwasher tablets!
(Good guesses, but no winners...)

2) "Less heat, great on meat" = mustard!

3) "All shapes and sizes, still brightens up a stir-fry" = sweet peppers
(Mom gets it!)

4) "A few less chunks, still full flavour" = salsa
(Chris is very close... but not quite)

5) "A little less refined, still smooth in sauces and batters" = flour
(Mom! Again! With Erin close on her heels)

6) "A bit less bitter" = bitter! (beer)
(Erin is closest...)

7) "From cows' milk, ideal on salad" = buffalo mozza!
(Erin! Though dad's answer is most educational, and mom was close)

8) "Simple flavour, still makes soup sing" = stock cubes!
(no points!)

9) "Just pure French brandy..." = French brandy!
(Dad gets it. Speed round)

10) "More thyme, just as tasty" = mixed (dried) herbs!
(Mom's closest?)

11) "Simple recipe, great for dunking" = digestive biscuits!
(Mom gets it, Chris gets joke points)

12) "Just needs a good shake" = salt!

13) "More of a mix, still good in your pud" = mixed (frozen) berries!
(Dad is closest...)

14) "Simply salted, packed with crunch" = Tortilla chips!
(Everybody is close; nobody close enough)

15) "More flakes than fruit, still tasty" = fruit and fibre cereal! (Essentially raisin bran...)
(Mom for exactness, Erin for close, dad for jokes)

16) "Maybe a blend of different butters" = butter!
(no winners, it was so easy it was hard...)

17) "Not all whole, still refreshing" = canned grapefruit!
(Um, Mom's closest? Charlie's recused...)

18) "Same colour, smaller size" = blueberries!
(this one was hard...)

19) "A bit smaller, still nutty" = peanuts!

20) "All the sizes under the sun, still sweet and tasty" = mixed dried fruit (mostly raisins)
(Erin gets it! Because, remember Balmoral fruitcake...)

21) "In water, big and small, same great taste" = canned mushrooms! (my favourite)

22) "Smaller fruit, ready for ripening" = avocados!
(Yum! Nice try mom, but no...)

23) "Some jam, some chocolate, definitely jaffa" = jaffa cakes!
(Dad gets it, along with some nice informative tips)

24) "A little less filling, not just for Santa" = mince pies!
(You don't really have those in North America, so... good try?)

1 comment:

Ione said...

That was fun, and the Sainsbury basics reward was yummy. Kind of disappointed I only got 4 - next time I'm in the UK I'm hanging around reading labels in Sainsbury's for an hour or two.