Monday 23 January 2012

Let me tell you why I love my city.


If you haven't read the last post, go and read the last post. Do it now, before reading anymore of this. Or this.


Let me tell you why I love my city: As Ben and I were walking down to our cha-cha-jive-waltz lessons, we passed a cafe called Jika Jika where I sometimes work. In front of the cafe there are bike racks. And leaning on one of those bike racks was

my bike.

Just as it has always been. An 'Emma' sticker (from aunt Gloria) on the side and a wobbly bell. Mine. Not locked, just leaned. Not damaged. Just taken on some kind of small adventure and then left to rest and wait for me to pass by. It could have been there since Sunday morning.

This is one reason why.


erin k h said...

WHAT?! that is the BEST! now if you find my buspass, everything will be the greatest of all time! (and i guess i won't kill them, now. the stealers. phew!)

Robin said...

This happened to me once... with a car!

Anonymous said...

That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Also really awesome!