Thursday 17 January 2008


Who's sick of Postmodernism? Who's sick of the all-encompassing, oh-so-hip, fool full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? We all are. Surely, we all are.

And even if you think you're not, surely you are sick of hearing the phrase,

"That's SO Post-Modern!"

or worse,

"That's SO PoMo!"

It's over, dead. I'm declaring it. And in its place, may I introduce the advent of:


These times are very like the Modernist times, I think. Science is fast advancing, but it's ruthless and its forecasts are more scary than inspiring. The security of religion is something few of us take solace in anymore. We eye Postmodernism's carefree hey-day with an eye of cynicism similar to how Modernists eyed the Romantics.

And so, here in the brilliantly cold intellectual wasteland, we stand nostalgic for when things had meaning. We stand against tradition but sad without it. We are

Retro Modernists!

How exciting. Let's make up some stickers.

*Turns out there's a style of interior design and furniture making called this too. This is irrelevant to our cause. Okay? Okay.


Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, I'm get it! No 'mo PoMo...

Judging by the vehemence of your post, I can only conclude that the PoMo movement is more of an issue in Bath than in Calgary - like heavy rainfall or tea and crumpets.

Emma said...

I'd say, really, it's more of an issue in Literary/Cultural theory than in Private investments and/or finance in general.

Crumpets, however, are pretty universal, right? With some proper jam?

Anonymous said...

but what about clotted cream, guys?

Anonymous said...


It's a word like dromedary. It sounds like that sort of a word.

(just saying)


(A Dromedarianism)

Anonymous said...

Only partly interesting...