Tuesday 29 January 2008

The best room

This is lovely.

The best room or interpretation of a poem

And now tell it to me
in other words,
says the stuffed owl
to the fly
which, with a buzz,
is trying with its head
to break through the window-pane.

—Miroslav Holub


Harry Man said...

Reminds me of this fly a size of a guy:

I Killed a Fly
by David Ignatow

I killed a fly
and laid my weapon next to it
as one lays the weapon of a dead hero
beside his body—the fly
that tried to mount the window
to its top; that was born out of a swamp
to die in a bold effort beyond itself,
and I am the one who brought it to an end.
Tired of the day and with night coming on
I lay my body down beside the fly.

Harry Man said...

Oh and how's this for a new term: Decochlasmic

meaning: overwhelmingly art deco in style

example: I meant to continue watching some 1930's english sci fi, but found them so decochlasmic that I had to take a break.

Link: http://www.sci-fi-london.com/tv/

Click on 'William Cameron Menzies' to er.. enjoy (?) this decochlasmic sensation.

Emma said...

Wow. I think that's my favorite new word for 08.