Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Well, have you ever

I told all my students in all my classes yesterday that it was Canadian Thanksgiving. None of them knew. Now they all do.

To celebrate, my one other Canadian friend in this town and I made a pumpkin pie. From scratch. FROM A REAL PUMPKIN!

(You can't get pumpkin pie filling here, it turns out. But you can get pumpkins.)

Amazingly, it tastes JUST LIKE THE REAL THING!

Ahem. The 'real' thing.


erin k h said...

so i assume this means you're REALLY good at making pie now, cause we're doing that too. when you're here... maybe we can make squash pie? gourd pie?

Anonymous said...

Well done ladies, 3 cheers for you and 3 cheers for Canadian tradition in the land of ancient traditions.

Emma said...

I'm pretty sure I've ALWAYS been really good at making pie.

Or was that pi?
