Thursday, 17 July 2008

Hours and hours

Maybe I should have really expected it, but, wow, critical PhDs sure take a lot of thinking.

It seems quite obvious, but, really, the thought-load is enormous. Which is as opposed to the work-load. Previous degrees I've embroiled myself with have required hours of essay writing, text analysis, teasing of numbers and scripts and scores. But this one is different. I sit down with my tea and my computer and an idea/problem and think. For hours. Burrowing my way into my own tiny theoretical world further and further.

Sometimes I make charts, sometimes I make more tea,

but mostly, I just think until it hurts. At the end of the day I might write down a sentence; if I've done well it might have two clauses.

One day, soon, the dam will break and all the thoughts will come together, pouring out in perfect prose and proofs, one whole thesis' worth. But, until then, I wear my glasses to show I'm serious, and think.


Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

author tried to post a link and it didn't work. silly author

Anonymous said...

Do you think about cats and flowers? Because, man, I hear you... So many thoughts, so little time!

erin k h said...

looking the part, i think, is half the battle. you've got the glasses, computer, and tea... all good. what about the wardrobe? have you tried any of the following:

- tweed suits, a la professor,

- oversized shirt with only short shorts or underwear, and maybe boot-style slippers, a la carrie bradshaw,

okay. fair. carrie bradshaw is NOT a great thinker of our time. but she had some good 'sitting at the computer thinking' style. it is worth considering.

- hardcore student apparel. i don't even know what this would be. but it would probably involve LOTS of scarves, and maybe hoodies with university names on or witty political jokes.

- capes. couldn't hurt.