Wednesday, 26 May 2010

all the news.

Little bits today.

So. First things first. Chris got married. To the awesome Janice, whose friends and family, it turns out, are also awesome. So, that's great.

And, much activity and progress in worm-and-stick-insect land. Charlie has written ever so eloquently about it. Here.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Okay, biking friends and family, I need help.

How do I beat the sixteen-year-olds?

See, these kids, these little boys have joined my Saturday morning road biking club. Up until now it's been a bunch of 30-60 something men and me and that's been just fine. But now, these kids, and their terribly, terribly fresh legs, are shaking it up.

In short: They're faster than me.

I know I've got them beat on endurance, which is great, but they've got me whipped every time we hit a hill. And it's the English countryside, so it's only hills. Big, terribly hills. So, quick! What can I do to make my legs as strong as a boy who's not quite graduated high school?

There is a double-pride issue at stake here. Not just age, but, also, as the only woman in the club, I feel it is my responsibility to strongly represent my gender and not be the last one up riding (or walking...) up these hills... .